Universitätsbibliothek Hagen



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Weitere Informationen

HealthSTAR contains citations to the published literature on health services, technology, administration, and research. It focuses on both the clinical and non-clinical aspects of health care delivery. The following topics are included: evaluation of patient outcomes; effectiveness of procedures, programs, products, services and processes; administration and planning of health facilities, services and manpower; health insurance; health policy; health services research; health economics and financial management; laws and regulation; personnel administration; quality assurance; licensure; and accreditation.
HealthSTAR is produced cooperatively by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the American Hospital Association. The database contains citations and abstracts (when available) to journal articles, monographs, technical reports, meeting abstracts and papers, book chapters, government documents, and newspaper articles from 1975 to the present. Citations are indexed with the National Library of Medicine's Medical Subject Headings in order to ensure compatibility with other NLM databases. Information in HealthSTAR is derived from MEDLINE, the Hospital Literature Index, and selected journals. Additional records specially indexed for this database do not appear in any other NLM database. HealthSTAR replaces the former Health Planning and Administration database.

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Stand der Daten
ab 1975

Benötigte Programme

Kontakt:  Dora Buró

Letzte Änderung: 12.01.2024